Are you ready to end the cycle of emotional eating? Ready for a cure? Ready for your life to change FOREVER?? Let’s do this! This is my 4 month (16 week) one on one coaching program to create your CURE for emotional eating. You will finally address why you have no control around food (turn to food constantly) and how to win this battle!

C – Cueing – It’s time to become friends with your body. When is the last time you really tuned into what your hunger needs were, when you were tired and why, what ways your body enjoys movement?

Believe it or not, your body is talking to you ALL OF THE TIME – it’s time to listen!

• You will cue in to your body’s hunger signals and learn how to eat in a way that is fun and nourishing, while still allowing for the foods you enjoy (but for the purpose of enjoyment NOT numbing or distraction)!

• You will cue in to how your body responds to exercise and learn how to move your body in a way that you LIKE, and is beneficial to your mind and body. Movement/exercise will become a way to give back to yourself, not punishment or torture!

• You will cue in to how you treat your body and what you say to it – do you treat yourself as your best friend? Or worst enemy? How’s THAT working out for you? It’s time to build a stronger relationship with yourself!

U – Understanding – What makes you tick? Who are you and why?

What story do you tell yourself about who you are? What you are capable of? It’s time to uncover what’s going on in that pretty little head of yours!!

• You will understand what your beliefs are and why you choose to believe them! If you tell yourself that losing weight is hard, you’ll always be fat, food is your nemesis – you will prove those thoughts right! (I know you are saying those are facts – but guess what – they’re NOT!)

• You will understand the connection between what you are thinking/feeling and how that ultimately produces the results in your life! Do you tell yourself you have no control around food? How does that make you feel? Defeated? It’s time to recognize how those thoughts are PRODUCING your unhealthy relationship with food.

• You will understand how to process your feelings and emotions – this may sound scary, but it is your ticket to FREEDOM!! Ever wondered why you are so scared to FEEL a feeling? You will finally be able to ride that wave and come out on the other side STRONGER!

R – Rewriting – Have you ever considered that you could CHOOSE to look at a situation in your past differently?

That you could change your thoughts about something you are currently going through? Are you wondering why you would even want to do that? Most of the time, emotional eating is the result of NOT wanting to feel a certain way. I’ve got THE BEST news for you – you can CHANGE the way you feel – or just FEEL it – but either way, you get to CHOOSE!

• You get to rewrite your story – with one that serves you and helps you to show up in this world EXACTLY as you want to. Want to be someone that has a healthy relationship with food, loves herself, and honors her uniqueness? You can CREATE that person!

• You get to rewrite your beliefs – now that you’ve let go of the limiting beliefs that no longer work for you – what do you WANT to believe about yourself? Do you want to believe that losing weight and maintaining it is EASY? Do you want to believe that food has no control over you? Do you want to believe that you are a NEW person? You can BELIEVE new thoughts!

• You get to rewrite what healthy is to you – does healthy for you include enjoying brownies? (YUM!) Does healthy for you include meditating? Or being active at a gym? Or dancing in the middle of your living room? You can DEFINE what a healthy you looks like!!

E – Empowering – it’s time to OWN who you are, what you believe, and how you want to live!

This is the MAGIC folks!! You are now equipped with the thoughts/knowledge/beliefs that will make damn near ANYTHING possible! Call me dramatic – I call it LIFECHANGING!!!

• You are empowered to fully embrace this amazing life you’ve been blessed with and step into the person you were CREATED to be!!! Confident, Strong, Capable! And now you will know how to approach each day with INTENTION!

• You are empowered with all of the knowledge/skills you need to continue to have a HEALTHY relationship with food, yourself and your body! You will know how to solve ANY problem that comes up! The battle is OVER!!! You’ve WON!

• You are empowered to set new goals for yourself – and KNOW that with commitment, you will achieve them. Who do you want to be when you grow up? It’s never too late to make a change. DARE to DREAM my friends!!!


Your CURE program includes:

  • Weekly 60 minute coaching calls by phone (16 coaching calls in all)
  • Daily email support Monday – Friday (This way we can dig into the stuff that’s coming up for you between coaching calls)
  • Weekly “CURE-work” (ok, I didn’t want to call it homework – but it’s the good stuff that helps us create your LIFECHANGE!)

Investment in your CURE:

Option One: payment plan >> $625.00 (billed monthly for 4 months)

Option Two: total in full >> $2,400.00 for the 4 month process (discounted for paying in advance)



Let’s schedule a time to chat!


Not sure if you’re ready?

I promise you this –

  • you are WORTH the investment in yourself!
  • the belief in yourself!
  • the commitment to yourself!