What do you tell yourself about failure? What guidelines and rules do you try to abide by that you deem yourself a loser at when you don’t “succeed”? How many times along your weight loss journey [...]
I’ve come up with an idea for a new elimination diet. A new plan to help you reach your goals. It’s called the “but” diet (and yes, I totally tried to be funny by dropping that one ‘t’). Most of [...]
Your weight struggles are a GOOD thing! What the WHAT?? Can you even wrap your brain around this thought? Do you wonder how in the world being overweight and struggling with food could possibly [...]
“Ya know Amy, maybe you should cut dairy from your diet?” I remember the day my trainer (Hi, Corinne) said those words to me. I wanted to cry. Here’s the back story – I had worked for [...]
Do you struggle when you are trying out a new workout plan or fitness class and you aren’t able to do the exercise as shown? What do you tell yourself when you have to modify the exercise move? [...]