Your Weight Struggles = Blessings in Disguise

Your weight struggles are a GOOD thing!

What the WHAT??

Can you even wrap your brain around this thought?

Do you wonder how in the world being overweight and struggling with food could possibly be a BLESSING?

Well it can be!

When you’ve struggled with your weight the majority of your life – you typically just see it as a curse, a problem to solve (over and over again), an example of how you are a failure, right?

Well what if you dropped that story today?

What if instead of looking at your weight and relationship with food as a horrible mistake – you looked at it from a place of curiosity?

What if your weight is an opportunity to dig a little deeper into what you are saying about your worth – right now – in this moment?

What if your food struggles are a way for you to address WHAT it is you are so afraid of feeling?

What if this very place in your life is a chance to change your trajectory?

I remember all of the times I would beat myself up for not being able to just get my sh$t together. How in the world could I struggle SO MUCH with exercising AND eating healthy? Why could I get consistent with one thing only to find myself “failing” at the other?

In the beginning – It was because I felt like that was the ONLY way to be successful – to not only attack both “issues” – but to do that perfectly (ya know – with no stumbles, hiccups, or falls)!

Do you struggle with feeling like you have to have it ALL UNDER CONTROL or why even bother? (Is this a theme in your life?)

Well my friend – then that’s where you have to start.

Get really clear with yourself on WHY you think you are a failure unless you can nail it all at once!

Why can you not find success in addressing one topic at a time?

Why are you defeating yourself (with that all or nothing thinking) before you even start?

How about offering yourself the opportunity to learn as you go?

How about taking one thing (eating or exercising) and allow yourself to focus on making new habits, figuring out what works best for you, and having success in each individual achievement?

While also trusting that when it is time to move on to the next step – you will KNOW IT!

Learning to trust in your body and intentions when you never have before is NEW and will require PRACTICE!

But it’s time my friend.

Allow yourself to be like a child learning math for the first time (do you remember how hard it was?) – first there was addition, then subtraction, then multiplication, division, fractions….the list goes on and on.

And each layer built upon the next – you had to have the basics of one before you could move on to the other. Can you imagine being asked to multiply fractions when you didn’t even know simple addition? And then being graded on your ability to PERFECTLY complete the assignment?

That’s what you are asking of yourself when you expect to be able to completely turn your food around, exercise regularly, and be 50lbs lighter in like a week. And then you wonder why you are so frustrated and disappointed.

So let’s start with basic addition right now – and then move on from there.

You will be able to look back in 6 months with awe at how you’ve changed as much as you have – by focusing on the basics – one step and blessing at a time.

If you feel frustrated and don’t even know where to begin – email me ( – I can help you.

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