It’s been a while, but I’m back! I took this year off from blogging to focus on finishing the book (it’s coming this next week!!) and making some adjustments in my life. God has a way of [...]
I’ve been asked MANY times over the last 7 years how to get rid of “bat wings”, get a tight butt, have a flat stomach, and get rid of loose skin. And I get it – we think that these areas are [...]
How do you typically talk about different types of food? Do you refer to food as healthy or unhealthy? Good or bad? I have a question for you – what purpose does labeling the type of food [...]
I ate the most delicious blueberry muffin recently and ENJOYED every single minute of it! Are you asking why this is blog worthy? Well – this was HUGE for me – because there was NO GUILT [...]