Can you lose weight and still eat your favorite foods?

The short answer is – yes!!

However the long answer is – but not like you are used to.

The fact of the matter is – you CAN lose weight eating exactly what you eat right now – just in smaller quantities, right?

Think about it – if you cut the portions of everything you eat in a given day – you WILL be consuming less calories – and over time, your scale weight WILL decrease.

However, at some point you will need to address the types of foods you are eating and whether they are satisfying you nutritionally and not just from an enjoyment perspective.

So many of us think about food as pleasure, comfort, fun – and while there is nothing wrong with enjoying the food you eat – at some point it’s important to observe the role food plays in your life.

Food was never meant to be our only source of pleasure, comfort or joy. Food was meant to nourish our bodies for health, energy, and survival. But at some point as a society, food became so much more than that. The act of eating became tied up in connection, experience, and tradition.

And when you are at a place of wanting to lose weight – all of these habits and beliefs are then challenged. You can’t expect to do the same thing you’ve always done and get a different result, right? So it stands to reason that you won’t be able to eat exactly the same things, in the same quantities, for the same reasons and be able to lose weight long-term.

So at some point – you have to be willing to change your relationship with food to be able to lose the weight you desire. That doesn’t mean you have to deprive yourself or cut out all of your favorite foods from your diet. But it does mean you will need to become aware of how you use food and be willing to make a shift in your thinking and behavior.

What got you to HERE, will not get you to THERE.

And I think so many of us are afraid of that shift. We are afraid of what it means to have to address our current decisions and how we will need to act differently to get something different.

But it doesn’t HAVE to be scary, right? There ARE other ways to look at making a shift in your thinking and eating. But it will require you to be open to change.

The fact of the matter is you don’t HAVE to lose weight. In fact, you don’t HAVE to do anything.

So stop looking at your weight as a problem and decide that it’s an opportunity.

An opportunity to look at yourself and your decisions through a different lens. To be honest and open with who you are now and who you want to be tomorrow.

An opportunity to step fully into who you were created to be. Without the distraction of your weight, without the crutch of food, without the thought that losing weight is HARD.

You CAN have your cake and eat it too – but it will require a shift – are you open to it?

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  • Bobbie Donnelly

    Hi sweet niece, I have been reading some of your thoughts, and the awesome advice you offer for energizing and changing our thoughts about how we see food in our life. I am so impressed and awed with what you have written. I cannot wait to read your book. Know I love you Amy and how proud I am of you. Continue to use the gift God has given you.

    • Amy Cox

      Thank you Aunt Bobbie!! I am so grateful that God has used some of my struggles to not only heal me, but help others.

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