It’s been a while, but I’m back! I took this year off from blogging to focus on finishing the book (it’s coming this next week!!) and making some adjustments in my life. God has a way of [...]
Can you enjoy your favorite holidays (hello Thanksgiving and Christmas) without a bunch of mental drama around food? Have you EVER experienced a holiday get together without stressing in the [...]
Do you NEED to purge your pantry to lose weight? I can’t even remember how many times in the past I would start a new diet on Monday and “purge” the pantry of all of the BAD things that I just [...]
The short answer is – yes!! However the long answer is – but not like you are used to. The fact of the matter is – you CAN lose weight eating exactly what you eat right now – just in smaller [...]
Such a loaded question, right? I know many of us spend A LOT of time on the what, how, when, and why of weight loss. And we live in a really interesting time right now where the messages have [...]
In Matthew 11:28, Jesus says “Come to Me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” Are you tired? Have you grown weary of your current struggles and burdens? I [...]
Your weight struggles are a GOOD thing! What the WHAT?? Can you even wrap your brain around this thought? Do you wonder how in the world being overweight and struggling with food could possibly [...]
“Ya know Amy, maybe you should cut dairy from your diet?” I remember the day my trainer (Hi, Corinne) said those words to me. I wanted to cry. Here’s the back story – I had worked for [...]
Years ago a friend gave me a cute sign that had one question on it – “what are you waiting for?” At that time – I was in a job that I had no passion for whatsoever (regardless of the [...]
I’ve been asked MANY times over the last 7 years how to get rid of “bat wings”, get a tight butt, have a flat stomach, and get rid of loose skin. And I get it – we think that these areas are [...]