What are you waiting for?

Years ago a friend gave me a cute sign that had one question on it – “what are you waiting for?”

At that time – I was in a job that I had no passion for whatsoever (regardless of the fact that it was what my degree was in and I had a true skill for it), I was overweight, and desperately trying to figure out why I struggled so much with eating healthy and working out.

I had shared plenty of my thoughts and dreams with this friend – she listened and gave advice when she could – but I was still waiting, stalling, procrastinating.

The big picture seemed so overwhelming – when I thought of how miserable I was – it seemed like there was no way I could fix it all at once. And honestly, I couldn’t.

That realization held me back for a while. I allowed the overwhelm to keep me from taking ANY action at all.

But I would look at that question daily (it hung on my office wall) and ask myself “what AM I waiting for?”

I can’t tell you that there was a lightbulb moment…that I figured out all the answers at once. Or that the path revealed itself to me suddenly.

But what I CAN tell you is that I got sick and tired of being sick and tired. I was done with allowing my life to just happen to me. So I decided to take ONE step.

And then another.

I quit thinking that I had to “fix” it all at once.

I slowly started addressing my eating and then going to the gym after work.

I started to surround myself with people who had similar goals and had “been there and done that”.

None of this happened overnight – but each step I took built my confidence.

Every time I chose to eat in a way that honored my goals I felt stronger.

Each workout I completed ignited a fire in me.

For the first time in my life I started thinking that maybe I COULD lose weight and make exercise a part of my life.

And maybe, just maybe I could build a life that I loved.

And I did.

And you can too my friend.

You can decide that you are sick and tired of being sick and tired.

You can choose to take one step at a time and give the results over to God.

You can believe in your ability to figure it all out as you go along.

You can give up perfection and choose to believe that progress is your goal.

That defining what healthy means to you IS important and worth your time.

That God wants you to make yourself a priority and build a life that you LOVE.

That you are worth the effort.

So I only have one question – what are you waiting for?

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