It’s been a while, but I’m back! I took this year off from blogging to focus on finishing the book (it’s coming this next week!!) and making some adjustments in my life. God has a way of [...]
Can you enjoy your favorite holidays (hello Thanksgiving and Christmas) without a bunch of mental drama around food? Have you EVER experienced a holiday get together without stressing in the [...]
Such a loaded question, right? I know many of us spend A LOT of time on the what, how, when, and why of weight loss. And we live in a really interesting time right now where the messages have [...]
Have you ever woke up for the day feeling like you already needed a nap? Or planned and packed your lunch for the day only to leave it at home? How about when you scheduled to go to a workout [...]
What do you tell yourself about failure? What guidelines and rules do you try to abide by that you deem yourself a loser at when you don’t “succeed”? How many times along your weight loss journey [...]
Your weight struggles are a GOOD thing! What the WHAT?? Can you even wrap your brain around this thought? Do you wonder how in the world being overweight and struggling with food could possibly [...]
Do you struggle when you are trying out a new workout plan or fitness class and you aren’t able to do the exercise as shown? What do you tell yourself when you have to modify the exercise move? [...]
Years ago a friend gave me a cute sign that had one question on it – “what are you waiting for?” At that time – I was in a job that I had no passion for whatsoever (regardless of the [...]
I’ve been asked MANY times over the last 7 years how to get rid of “bat wings”, get a tight butt, have a flat stomach, and get rid of loose skin. And I get it – we think that these areas are [...]
Do you believe that you can stop emotionally eating? Are you confident that you can lose the weight holding you back? Do you have faith in God’s promise that you can do ALL things through Christ? [...]